
Pleasure to have you here to know about me. I am a Software Engineer and a Developer Advocate, and I am based out of Hamilton, Canada.

I build Android Apps, REST APIs, and sometimes, websites too. I also speak publicly in tech conferences and events on topics related to programming, mobile tech, or related to the software tools of my employers.

That’s me, along with my team at Twitter, speaking at MWC in 2016

I like building software which helps people solve real-life problems, and this passion has helped me learn and experiment with many software technologies, and speak about them publicly too.

I started writing code in 2003 during my college, starting with Fortran (remember?), Java Swing and PHP. And later joined the professional workforce as a programmer in 2010

During all of this time, I have built software with different languages/platforms, such as Java (Swing, Servlets, JSP, Android), PHP (Vanilla, CodeIgniter), JavaScript (Vanilla, Node.js/Express.js, Loopback, jQuery, a bit of React.js).

In the initial years of my career, I built software with technologies and languages like Python, Action Script, ColdFusion, Flash Script, Lua Script, and Blackberry Apps (remember?)

I have helped a couple differnet startups by leading their software development teams (web and mobile) as a part-time volunteer.

To learn more about my professional profile, or to contact me, please feel free to use any of the following social links.

I also write sometimes on my blog, in case you're interested.

This website is made with Jekyll, hosted on Netlify.